!!Meet Osiel Martinez!!

Osiel started his career with the city as a parks temp in May of 2021 and was hired as a full-time employee in February of 2022. In May of 2023, he transferred to Building and Code where he has grown tremendously.  He said his favorite part of the job is the endless amount of knowledge and growth opportunities that have been presented to him while working with the city.  He also feels fortunate to work with amazing and fun colleagues which makes his job even sweeter.

Osiel is from Pittsburg, TX and was a trumpet player all through middle school and high school.  He has used his musical talents to honor veterans at their funerals.  In his spare time, he fishes at lakes, creeks, and spillways here in northeast Texas.  He enjoys hiking with his beautiful wife of 5 years, at state parks and says they love to vacation at the beach, whether it be in Galveston, Orange Beach Alabama, or Destin Florida.

Want to know more about Osiel, see what others have to say about him in the video below!!