Pleasant, TX Pleasant, TX2022-11-15 17:12:362022-11-15 17:14:39PUBLIC NOTICE: FAIR HOUSING IS YOUR RIGHT
Policy of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability
The City of Mount Pleasant does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or employment in, its federally assisted programs or activities. The Mayor has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regulations implementing Section 504 (24 CFR Part 8).
The City of Mount Pleasant has adopted complaint and grievance procedures regarding its Texas Community Development Block Grant Programs (TxCDBG). Citizens may obtain a copy of these written procedures at City Hall, 501 N Madison Ave, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Citizens may also request the procedures be mailed to them by calling the city at 903-575-4000. These procedures outline the steps for a citizen to follow if s/he wishes to file a complaint or grievance about TxCDBG activities.
A person who has a complaint or grievance about any services or activities with respect to the TxCDBG project, may during regular business hours submit such complaint or grievance in writing to the City at 501 N Madison Ave, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 or may call 903-575-4000. The City of Mount Pleasant will make every effort to respond fully to such complaints within fifteen (15) working days where practicable.
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
The City of Mount Pleasant does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
Politica de no discriminación por motivo de la discapacidad
La Ciudad de Mount Pleasant no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o acceso a, o empleo, en sus programas o actividades que reciben ayuda federal. El alcalde ha sido designado para coordinar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de no discriminación contenidos en el Departamento de Vivienda (HUD) y reglamentos de Desarrollo Urbano de aplicación de la Sección 504 (24 CFR Parte 8).
Participación Ciudadana y Procedimientos de Quejas Aviso
La Ciudad de Mount Pleasant ha adoptado procedimientos para quejas y denuncias con respecto al programa de Texas Community Development Block Grant Programs (TxCDBG). Los ciudadanos pueden obtener una copia de estos procedimientos escritos en municipalidad, 501 N Madison Ave, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455, entre las horas de 8:00 am y 5:00 pm de lunes a viernes. Los ciudadanos tambien pueden solicitar los procedimientos por correo al llamar a Ciudad en 903-575-4000. Estos procedimientos describen los pasos que se deben seguir para que un ciudadano pueda, si desea, presentar una queja o reclamo acerca de las actividades del programa TxCDBG.
Una persona que tiene una queja o reclamación sabre cualquiera de los servicios o actividades en relación con el programa TxCDBG, lo pueden hacer durante las horas regulares por escrito a al alcalde, a 501 N Madison Ave, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 o pueden llamar a 903-575-4000. La ciudad de Mount Pleasant hara todo lo posible para responder con plenitud las quejas dentro de los quince (15) dias habiles cuando sea posible.
Declaración de lgualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo
La Ciudad de Mount Pleasant no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, religion, sexo, orientaci6n sexual, identidad de genera u origen nacional. Pleasant, TX Pleasant, TX2022-11-15 16:35:372022-11-15 17:05:11PUBLIC NOTICE: CITY OF MOUNT PLEASANT NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY
Hold a Public Hearing to consider the request of Juan Mata, applicant/owner for a zoning change from SF-2 (Single-Family Residential District) to NS (Neighborhood Service District) on a 0.2017-acre tract of land described as Lot 33, Block 230, Mount Pleasant City Blocks, City of Mount Pleasant, Titus County Texas, and generally located on the northeast corner of O’Tyson Street and W. Cash Street (1137 Cash Street) take any action necessary.
Case No: Z-2022-06
Hold a Public Hearing to consider the request of August G. Berend, applicant/owner for a zoning change from GR (General Retail District) to NS (Neighborhood Service District) on a 0.48-acre tract of land described as J. R. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 384 Titus County, Texas, and being part of that called 3.00-acre tract of land recorded in Volume 392, Page 2, of the Deed Records, Titus County, Texas, same being all that called 0.48-acre tract of land conveyed to Rance Austin Craig, and Recorded Clerk File No. 20134600, said 0.476-acres, City of Mount Pleasant, Titus County Texas, and generally located on the southeast quadrant ofUS-271 and FM-1734 (2231 North Edwards Avenue), and take any action necessary.
Hearing Date and Location:
City Council 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Mount Pleasant City Hall 501 N. Madison, Mount Pleasant, Texas Pleasant, TX Pleasant, TX2022-11-01 11:30:232022-11-01 11:30:23PUBLIC NOTICE: ZONING CHANGE REQUEST FOR 1137 CASH ST. & 2231 N. EDWARDS AVE
The City of Mount Pleasant will accept sealed bids for 2022-10 Sale of Surplus Property located at TBD County Road 1312 TCAD ID 17855 until 3:00 P.M. central time, Wednesday November 2, 2022.
City of Mount Pleasant Attn: Candias Webster 2022-10 501 North Madison Mount Pleasant, TX 75455
Bidders who wish to bid on the property will need to email for the Bid packet or stop by City Hall at 501 North Madison, Mount Pleasant, TX, 75455 to pick one up. Bidders are to complete bid proposal form, Certification of Financial Ability to Pay Purchase Price, and return to City Hall, by 3:00 P.M. Wednesday November 2,2022.
Bids will be publicly opened, read aloud, and awarded in the Council Chambers located at the Mount Pleasant City Hall, 501 N. Madison Street, Mount Pleasant, Texas 3:00 P.M. Wednesday November 2,2022.
If submitting by mail, bids must be in a sealed envelope, with the bid number 2022-10, opening date and time, and item being bid clearly marked on the lower left-hand corner of the envelope.
For questions regarding this Sealed Bid document, please contact Candias Webster at or 903-575-4000.
Any bids received after the time and date stated above, regardless of the mode of delivery, will not be considered. The City of Mount Pleasant reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, to waive any informality in any bid, and to accept any bid, which, in its discretion, is in the best interest of the City.
/in PUBLIC NOTICEThe Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability.
Download the public service message from HUD and NFHA to learn more.
/in PUBLIC NOTICEPolicy of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability
The City of Mount Pleasant does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or employment in, its federally assisted programs or activities. The Mayor has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regulations implementing Section 504 (24 CFR Part 8).
Citizen Participation & Grievance Procedures Notice
The City of Mount Pleasant has adopted complaint and grievance procedures regarding its Texas Community Development Block Grant Programs (TxCDBG). Citizens may obtain a copy of these written procedures at City Hall, 501 N Madison Ave, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Citizens may also request the procedures be mailed to them by calling the city at 903-575-4000. These procedures outline the steps for a citizen to follow if s/he wishes to file a complaint or grievance about TxCDBG activities.
A person who has a complaint or grievance about any services or activities with respect to the TxCDBG project, may during regular business hours submit such complaint or grievance in writing to the City at 501 N Madison Ave, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 or may call 903-575-4000. The City of Mount Pleasant will make every effort to respond fully to such complaints within fifteen (15) working days where practicable.
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
The City of Mount Pleasant does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
Politica de no discriminación por motivo de la discapacidad
La Ciudad de Mount Pleasant no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o acceso a, o empleo, en sus programas o actividades que reciben ayuda federal. El alcalde ha sido designado para coordinar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de no discriminación contenidos en el Departamento de Vivienda (HUD) y reglamentos de Desarrollo Urbano de aplicación de la Sección 504 (24 CFR Parte 8).
Participación Ciudadana y Procedimientos de Quejas Aviso
La Ciudad de Mount Pleasant ha adoptado procedimientos para quejas y denuncias con respecto al programa de Texas Community Development Block Grant Programs (TxCDBG). Los ciudadanos pueden obtener una copia de estos procedimientos escritos en municipalidad, 501 N Madison Ave, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455, entre las horas de 8:00 am y 5:00 pm de lunes a viernes. Los ciudadanos tambien pueden solicitar los procedimientos por correo al llamar a Ciudad en 903-575-4000. Estos procedimientos describen los pasos que se deben seguir para que un ciudadano pueda, si desea, presentar una queja o reclamo acerca de las actividades del programa TxCDBG.
Una persona que tiene una queja o reclamación sabre cualquiera de los servicios o actividades en relación con el programa TxCDBG, lo pueden hacer durante las horas regulares por escrito a al alcalde, a 501 N Madison Ave, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 o pueden llamar a 903-575-4000. La ciudad de Mount Pleasant hara todo lo posible para responder con plenitud las quejas dentro de los quince (15) dias habiles cuando sea posible.
Declaración de lgualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo
La Ciudad de Mount Pleasant no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, religion, sexo, orientaci6n sexual, identidad de genera u origen nacional.
/in PUBLIC NOTICECase No: Z-2022-05
Hold a Public Hearing to consider the request of Juan Mata, applicant/owner for a zoning change from SF-2 (Single-Family Residential District) to NS (Neighborhood Service District) on a 0.2017-acre tract of land described as Lot 33, Block 230, Mount Pleasant City Blocks, City of Mount Pleasant, Titus County Texas, and generally located on the northeast corner of O’Tyson Street and W. Cash Street (1137 Cash Street) take any action necessary.
Case No: Z-2022-06
Hold a Public Hearing to consider the request of August G. Berend, applicant/owner for a zoning change from GR (General Retail District) to NS (Neighborhood Service District) on a 0.48-acre tract of land described as J. R. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 384 Titus County, Texas, and being part of that called 3.00-acre tract of land recorded in Volume 392, Page 2, of the Deed Records, Titus County, Texas, same being all that called 0.48-acre tract of land conveyed to Rance Austin Craig, and Recorded Clerk File No. 20134600, said 0.476-acres, City of Mount Pleasant, Titus County Texas, and generally located on the southeast quadrant ofUS-271 and FM-1734 (2231 North Edwards Avenue), and take any action necessary.
Hearing Date and Location:
City Council 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Mount Pleasant City Hall 501 N. Madison, Mount Pleasant, Texas
/in PUBLIC NOTICEThe City of Mount Pleasant will accept sealed bids for 2022-10 Sale of Surplus Property located at TBD County Road 1312 TCAD ID 17855 until 3:00 P.M. central time, Wednesday November 2, 2022.
City of Mount Pleasant
Attn: Candias Webster 2022-10
501 North Madison
Mount Pleasant, TX 75455
Bidders who wish to bid on the property will need to email for the Bid packet or stop by City Hall at 501 North Madison, Mount Pleasant, TX, 75455 to pick one up. Bidders are to complete bid proposal form, Certification of Financial Ability to Pay Purchase Price, and return to City Hall, by 3:00 P.M. Wednesday November 2,2022.
Bids will be publicly opened, read aloud, and awarded in the Council Chambers located at the Mount Pleasant City Hall, 501 N. Madison Street, Mount Pleasant, Texas 3:00 P.M. Wednesday November 2,2022.
If submitting by mail, bids must be in a sealed envelope, with the bid number 2022-10, opening date and time, and item being bid clearly marked on the lower left-hand corner of the envelope.
For questions regarding this Sealed Bid document, please contact Candias Webster at or 903-575-4000.
Any bids received after the time and date stated above, regardless of the mode of delivery, will not be considered. The City of Mount Pleasant reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, to waive any informality in any bid, and to accept any bid, which, in its discretion, is in the best interest of the City.