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PUBLIC NOTICE: Zoning change located north side of W. Ferguson Avenue and west of O’Tyson Avenue – Case No. Z-2021-06

Hold a Public Hearing to consider the request of Brandon Milam and Bret Hart, applicants, for a zoning change from SF-2 (Single-Family Residential District) and GR (General Retail District) to GR (General Retail District) on a 5.559-acre tract of land being a part of the property conveyed to Waylon Moore by deed recorded in Volume 692, Page 95, Real Property Records, Titus County, Texas, (RPR) and being all of the property to Waylon Moore by deed recorded in Volume 779, Page 115, RPR. This property is also known as a part of Block 123, City of Mt. Pleasant, Texas (unofficial map) and is situated in the Berry Merchant Survey, Abstract No. 358, Titus County, Texas and generally located on the north side of W. Ferguson Avenue west of O’Tyson Avenue and take any action necessary.

Planning & Zoning Commission: 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 12, 2021

City Council: 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Location of Hearings:
Mount Pleasant City Hall
501 N. Madison, Mount Pleasant, Texas

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PUBLIC NOTICE: Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement

This is the notice to the appropriate local governmental entity that the following local government officer has become aware of facts that require the officer to file this statement in accordance with Chapter 176. Local Government Code.

Download CIS Document (pdf)

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PUBLIC NOTICE: Zoning change north side of Tennison Road east of U.S. Hwy. 271 Case No: Z-2021-05

Case No: Z-2021-05: Hold a Public Hearing to consider the request of Emanuel Glockzin, applicant for a zoning change from SF-1 (Single-Family Residential District) to MF (Multi-Family District) on a 5.005-acre tract of land situated in the G. W. Graves Survey, Abstract No. 246, Titus County, Texas, being all of that land conveyed to Jerel Kerby by deed recorded in Volume 1588, Page 84, Real Property Records (RPR), Titus County, Texas and generally located on the north side of Tennison Road east of U.S. Hwy. 271 (S. Jefferson Ave.), take any action necessary.

Hearing Date and Location

Planning & Zoning Commission: 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 10, 2021
City Council: 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Location of Hearings:
Mount Pleasant City Hall
501 N. Madison, Mount Pleasant, Texas

Mount Pleasant, TX Logo

PUBLIC NOTICE: Zoning change north side of Tennison Road east of U.S. Hwy. 271 Case No Z-2021-04

Case No: Z-2021-04: Hold a Public Hearing to consider the request of Emanuel Glockzin, applicant for a zoning change from SF-1 (Single-Family Residential District) to MF (Multi-Family District) on a 4.37-acre tract of land situated in the G. W. Graves Survey, Abstract No. 246, and the Daniel McCall Survey, Abstract No. 357, Titus County, Texas, and being part of the remainder of that certain called 50.41 acre tract of land conveyed from the Estate of Morris Henderson to H.E. Spann, by deed as recorded in Volume 383, Page 113, Deed Records, Titus County, Texas and generally located on the north side of Tennison Road east of U.S. Hwy. 271 (S.Jefferson Ave.), take any action necessary.

Hearing Date and Location

Planning & Zoning Commission: 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 10, 2021
City Council: 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Location of Hearings:
Mount Pleasant City Hall
501 N. Madison, Mount Pleasant, Texas